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How To Keep Organised When Matched Betting

Last Updated on February 6, 2023 by The Betting Dad Team

A good Matched Betting spreadsheet will help you minimise time spent on admin, and instead focus your time on completing more offers.

As you’ll know by now, more offers ultimately lead to more profit.

You can download a free copy of our Matched Betting spreadsheet here.

Free Matched Betting Spreadsheet

Matched Betting Spreadsheet

Keeping track of bookmakers’ details, offers, withdrawals, deposits etc, etc, etc isn’t the most exciting part of Matched Betting.

A simple Matched Betting spreadsheet can make this a painless process.

What You Need To Record

– Offers

Keep things as basic as possible.

You don’t need to record every single football team and horse you back and lay.

We recommend having one sheet for recording offers.

On it, you should keep track of:

– The date that you started the offer

– Bookmaker account that the offer is from

– Brief description of the offer

– Profit or loss from the offer

– Total running profit

– Extra notes if needed for each offer (e.g name of a horse, if it comes 2nd or 3rd will get a £10 free bet)

Matched betting spreadsheet
The first few entries into Ben’s Matched Betting spreadsheet when he started in 2016

– Bookmaker Accounts

On a separate second sheet, the next thing you absolutely need to record is your bookmaker and casino account details.

Those who really excel at Matched Betting will end up having well over 100 different accounts open.

Life will be much easier if you have an efficient system to help you find your login details.

The last thing you want is to waste time searching around trying to remember your username or having to go down the lost password route.

So, we would recommend logging the following:

– The date you opened the account

– The name of the bookmaker

– Total deposited/Balance/Total withdrawn 

– Username

– Password or password hint

– Pending deposits

– Pending withdrawals

This information helps keep track of where all your Matched Betting bankroll is.

When you check your bank statement, you can see if all the deposits and withdrawals have taken place as expected.

With Microsoft Excel, you can password-protect your Matched Betting spreadsheet.

So, with sheet one for offers and sheet two for bookmaker/casino accounts, that’s all the essential information covered that you absolutely need to have easy access to.

If you hate the idea of spreadsheets, there is nothing wrong with the old-fashioned way.

A good old notepad and pen.

As long as you have a quick system that you can easily retrieve your information, then you’ll be set up and ready to go.

Monthly Profit Graph

This is not necessarily needed but it can be nice to see your monthly profits.

With Matched Betting, your monthly profit will vary a lot.

Though, as you continue, over the long term, the graph will show you the amount you average each month.

It’s nice to know roughly how much you can expect to make monthly.

Total Profit Graph

Another non-essential graph but great to help keep you motivated.

Particularly helpful when doing higher variance Matched Betting casino offers.

You can at times find yourself going through a bad run or feel like you aren’t getting anywhere.

Looking at your overall profit will remind you that your profit will dip and rise.

But in the long run, by continuing to only take value, your total profit is only heading in one direction.

Download Our Matched Betting Spreadsheet

We designed and use a simple Matched Betting spreadsheet with all four sections mentioned above.

If you have experience with spreadsheets, then we think it’s a great idea to build you’re own.

We like building our own so it suits our needs and we know where everything is.

However, if you like the look of ours, you can download a blank copy of our spreadsheet here.

Alternative Way To Track Your Progress

OUTPLAYED has a tool called a Profit Tracker.

The OUTPLAYED Profit Tracker helps you record your daily, monthly and all-time profits.

Personally, we prefer using our own spreadsheet out of habit. 

Although, if we were starting Matched Betting now, we would definitely make use of this.

Profit Accumulator Profit Tracker

The most appealing thing about the OUTPLAYED Profit Tracker is that you record your stats in the same place as you do your Matched Betting.

It makes the flow of your admin work much more natural.

Logging your bets from the Matched Betting calculator sends all the information you need straight to your Profit Tracker.

When you click on ‘Store’, your profit is instantly recorded on the OUTPLAYED Profit Tracker.

Profit Tracker Store Bets

This feature is particularly helpful for beginners to keep things efficient, organised and less overwhelming.

The OUTPLAYED Profit Tracker also records your total monthly profits to see your progress over the year.

Profit Accumulator Profit Tracker M

Final Thoughts: Use What Works For You

Whichever option you choose, the main thing is to have something that makes it easy for you.

Get comfortable with a system that keeps admin to a minimum.

Instead, spend your valuable time completing more offers, and making more profit.

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